hard money lending
Down Payments
At the very heart of the mortgage debate are down payment rules and regulations. Experts agree that a full-blown U.S. real estate housing market recovery is unlikely, especially considering government regulators cannot determine the minimum down payment amount required by Read MoreCategories: Hard Money Loans
Debt Consolidation: Cure All or Trap?
Often compared to a politician, debt consolidation companies offer an abundance of promises, but always seem to fail in their delivery. While many of these companies guarantee lower monthly loan payments, decreased interest rates and single payment options, the reality Read MoreCategories: Hard Money Loans
Five Best U.S. Markets for Homebuyers
There are a number of U.S. real estate markets that are simply on fire, smoldering under the heat of a real estate comeback. The five most popular, up-and-coming markets include: Southern South Carolina – Encompassing several large metropolitan areas, including Read MoreCategories: Hard Money Loans
The Fastest Growing U.S. Boomtowns
As some areas of the U.S. are growing so fast, municipalities simply can’t keep up with demand, investors are looking to flock to these popular towns, helping fulfill a need for necessary residential and commercial infrastructures to support rapid growth. Read MoreCategories: Hard Money Loans